On April 7th, World Health Day is celebrated. In 1948, this date was chosen by the World Health Organization to make people aware of the importance of preserving health in order to have a better quality of life. Currently, 63% of all deaths in the world come from non-communicable diseases, mainly cardiovascular, respiratory, cancer and diabetes.

Health is a trend that has already become a reality and the year 2020 further boosted the search for healthy eating as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. The concern with what we eat, what we do and how it impacts our physical and mental well-being brought a closer look at how our bodies are connected, demanding a holistic view of us.

Several foods can bring benefits to our health, such as those that improve concentration, relieve stress, act on the immune system or provide a more complete nutritional support for daily needs.

Here are some of the foods and beverages launched around the world that contribute to our health:

Huel Hot & Savory (United Kingdom)

Shelf-stable and vegan complete meal, contains 24g of plant protein, 26 vitamins and minerals, omegas, MCT, high fiber content and slow digesting carbohydrates. It is ready in 5 minutes and has the proposal of being an affordable meal.



UHA Mikakuto Tokuno Milk 8.2 Rum Raisin Milk Candy (Japan)

Aimed at middle-aged women, the rum and milk raisin candy contains isoflavones and is described as a product that improves bone strength and density. In menopause, related hormonal changes predispose women to sarcopenia and osteoporosis in adulthood.



Englert Kick to Go Linse + Cashew mit Koffein (Germany)

Vegetarian soup flavored lentinha and cashew, can be consumed cold or hot and anywhere, contains caffeine for an extra boost in everyday life. Made with vegetables, vegetables, ginger, cinnamon and other ingredients that bring satiety in a small and quick meal.




Zelus BEER (USA)

In 5 different options, the high performance beer is aimed at athletes. They are combined with hydration, contain buckwheat and bee pollen, in addition to electrolytes, antioxidants, calcium and low alcohol content.




MasterSense follows consumer trends in order to offer the best health solutions that meet the wishes of its consumers. Talk to us and find out more!

Source: Mintel 

Written by: Carla de Oliveira and Letícia Pereira – Marketing


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